Project Documentation

Design Document

This is the final document where all the information of Team 43's project is condensed. Below the document can be found and will be recieving periodic updates as the projects moves along. All inquires please direct them to

Design Document (.pdf)

Lightning Talks

Part of our capstone project involves some reflections from the Team where we touch on specific technical and formal details of the planning and development process. There are voice narrated media presentations of about 5 minutes in length that provide a window on how the project has been progressing throughout the semester.

  1. Requirements & Engineering Standards (.pdf) (.pptx)
  2. Project Plan (.pdf) (.pptx)
  3. Technical Challenges (.pdf) (.pptx)
  4. Video! (youtube)

Boa Language Presentations

Part of our Team effort was to compile and curate some of the documentation of the Boa language and prepare bite-sized presentations for our client. Here are the ones we have developed so far, divided in levels of complexity. However, since this is computer science, we start our count at 0!.

Peer Evaluation

  • Peer Evaluation Presentation/Video (youtube)

Final Deliverables

Below is a list of the finalized documents giving an overview of our design project.